Veckans vackraste instagram hem - @_lisebise

Veckans vackraste Instagram hem – @_lisebise


Jag sitter just nu och skriver med en magisk havsutsikt i Marbella! Jag har varit något off med bloggandet ett tag då jag är ute och reser i Spanien. Har haft ljuvliga dagar i Isla Canela , Sevilla och Marbella. Det är så skönt att kunna resa fritt igen och allt är här precis som vanligt, det enda som krävs är munskydd i butiker och restauranger. Man är liksom mer tacksam nu än innan Corona att vara på semester. Därför tog jag även längre vacation än vanligt, för man vet ju aldrig när nya virus slår till igen.

NU! till Veckans vackraste Instagram hem som haft en liten paus. Denna veckan hälsar vi på hos en fotograf i Aarhus i Danmark. Jag har valt att göra dennan  intervju på engelska så även utlänska läsare kan läsa intervjun.

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Välkommen hem till compact living och Veckans vackraste Instagram hem som är @_lisebise Här kan ni läsa min Instagram intervju med tjejen bakom kontot.

Vitt rum med snedtak och trästolar.

Vitt rum med runt glasbord och trästolar.

Hi! Tell us a little bit about who you are and where you live?

My name is Louise, I´m 26 years old. I live in a little apartment (47 square meters) in Aarhus, Denmark. I work part time in a daycare center, and the rest of the time as a freelance photographer and interior stylist. I have made a lot of changes to my apartment in the 5 years I have been living there, E.G. I build a new kitchen. I enjoy making both small and big changes, I always have a lot of ideas and find it difficult to choose from all of my ideas.

You have a wonderful home! How did you come up with your particular interior design style?

I think Instagram is a very good place to get inspired. I´m trying to make my home nice and cozy. The coziness is very important to me, I hope my guests enjoy the atmosphere in my apartment.

Where do you get the most inspiration from for the home?

Mostly on Instagram. I like to follow other interior profiles like my own. I also like to visit cafés with a special cozy atmosphere and with nice interior and designer classics. A lot of cafés use old style furniture and tableware, mixed with new modern items. This is also the way I like to decorate.

What are your favorite colors to decorate with?

It depends on the seasons. When it is spring/summer I like to decorate with bright colors. And when the autumn/wither is coming, I like to use warmer colors like brown, bottle green (amy green), navy blue etc. But the color that I always keep using is pale pink.

Which furnishings are you most proud of?

I have a homemade rack in my kitchen (under the countertop) that I build by myself. Here I put all my favorite stuff, and all my vintages findings.

What is your worst purchase in interior design? something you regretted?

I rarely regret buying interior items, it´s a different story when it comes to clothes J

Is there any decor that would never come inside your door? Follow-up question which interior design thing do you think is the ugliest?

I love to go with the trends, so I would never say never but, I really do not like big black leather furniture like a black leather couch. That I think never would come inside my home.

Mention three interior design stores you always return to?

Balsalen, HM home, søstrene Grene, Decorate shop, magasin

To everyone out there who has a hard time finding their own interior design style, do you have any tips?

My motto is: Just try it out, you can all ways change it.

Do you have any favorite Instagram accounts in interior design?

@mernee, @linestampedahl @Mariannejacobsen

Do you think you will completely change your interior design style one day?

Yes! I frequently change my interior style, e.g. as the season changes. I store some of my furniture and decoration items so that I can change the look of my rooms.
In addition to the interior design style you have, is there any other
style you really like?

I really love the feeling you get when you are in a summer cottage. Its not the interior style I will choose myself, but I really do love it.

If you could design your own furniture piece or interior design piece, what would it be then?

I often design some of my own furniture, e.g. I recently designed my own kitchen rack. I always get many ideas, that I want to carry out here and now, therefore I have had to learn how to use various tools. I recently bought a drill machine when visiting my friend, as she needed my help with a closet.

Many people on social media have a tendency to copy each other’s interiors and you often see the same lamps, tables, poufs, etc. on all blogs and Instagram. Why do you think that is so? Can there be a fear of standing out from the crowd and being unique?

Yes I believe there is a fear of standing out from the crowd and being unique. I believe you feel some kind of security if you do as others do. However my interior ideas tend to overwhelm me as I have so many and I am limited by the size of my apartment and also by my financial ability. I find that the social media are good source for inspiration. You can pick ideas from various profiles, and mix them into your own ”bouquet”

Finally, which interior design trends have you liked the most so far this year?

This year I think my favourite interior design trend is a round dinner table. A round dinner table is very good in small homes as it dosent take up too much space but you can still sit a lot of people around it.


Beige vägg med massa tavlor och en söng.

vitt rum med snedtak och en furumöbel.

Jag hoppas att ni gillat detta utländska hem och min intervju på Eng denna gång. Har ni ett fint inredningskonto eller känner ni nån som har det, maila mig. Så kan just ni eller era vänner komma med som Veckans vackraste Instagram hem här på bloggen.

Ha det gott önskar jag från ett soligt och varmt Marbella :)



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